Monday, June 23, 2008


My first blog entry details the experience of getting the book New Keywords edited by Tony Bennett, Lawrence Grossberg, and Meaghan Morris at the bookstore.

I arrived at the UC Davis campus at 9:30 AM to pay my summer session fees, but I learned from the woman in Dutton Hall that I only can use Discover credit cards or checks to pay my account balance. Since I only had a Visa credit card with me, I couldn’t pay my bills, so I left. It was still only 9:35, which was 25 minutes until the start of my UWP 101: Advanced Composition class, so I decided to go to the bookstore to get a notebook for class. After I found and purchased the notebook, which only took me about five minutes to do, I decided to walk to class and read The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy until class started. I started to walk to class, only to decide that I might as well get my summer school books since I was at the bookstore already. So, I walked back to the bookstore and went down the stairs to the basement to look for my books among the hundreds of other textbooks. After I found my books, I stood in line to pay for my books, and in a one-in-a-million chance, I got the same cashier that I earlier purchased the notebook from. I thought that was pretty amazing considering that there were about 10 cashiers and each customer is randomly distributed to the cashiers depending on how quickly the cashiers finished helping their previous customer. I just happened to get the same one I had a few minutes ago. Wow. She made the obligatory “Hey, weren’t you in here a minute ago?” comment, and I politely smiled. Once I put the books in my backpack, I headed over to Storer Hall, and since I was still early, I got in a couple pages of The Hunt for Red October before class started.

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

Here is a good example of where you could use a link: you could embed a link to _The Hunt For Red October_ at Wikipedia or the author's website. I like your narration of the chance re-encounter with the cashier!